I haven't posted here on Traveller's Journal for around 2 years, I got wrapped up in college and many adventures, but I have finally found a reason to break my silence.
During my time away from this Blog, I met and got engaged to a man from Virginia, I was also born in Virginia but I no longer live there, throughout our relationship I would make trips up to his area. Not far from my fiancé's home town, is Charlottesville; in Charlottesville there is a place called Lee Park. Lee Park is a lovely area with a giant statue of General Lee riding his horse, and long time companion, Traveller. This park is among Virginia's Civil War trails. The statue was places in the park in 1924, it is only 7 years from being 100 years old. I made a trip to Lee park at one point and I even have a picture with the amazing statue.
So, I'm sure you are wondering what the big deal is about this statue... In answer to your question the city has voted to remove the statue from Lee park and relocate it, they also want to rename Lee Park. This is a big deal, because they want to remove history, they want to remove Robert E. Lee as if he casts a black shadow on America. Confederates are as much a part of American history as the Union soldiers, just because they lost doesn't mean you can obliterate their names from the history books. General Lee was arguably one of the greatest Generals who has ever lived. He took a rag tag group of men and made them soldiers. Please tell me another General who has done the same... can you name one?
It's time that we as Southerners don't treat our Confederate ancestors as if they are embarrassing, or the "black sheep of the family". Our heritage does not need to be swept under the rug. I think one of the arguments for removing his statue is because of slavery. However, General Lee was no fan of slavery himself. General Jackson didn't even own slaves. However, this post of not really about why the war was fought, it is about the importance of preserving the heritage of the South, not just the North.
Is the General Lee statue important? Yes. But more importantly our heritage is important. If the General Lee statue is allowed to be removed, it won't stop at that. They will move on to the General Jackson statue that stands in Charlottesville, then maybe on to Richmond to remove JEB Stuart, etc. We must defend our heritage. One of my Great grandfathers (several greats back) fought for the South under General Lee, I am proud of that, and I always will be. Also, just because you try and hide history, doesn't mean it never happened!
Let Charlottesville know that we want the Lee statue to remain!