Friday, May 3, 2013

The Confederate Flag

For quite some time now I have been bothered by an issue and I finally decided to write on it. It being the misuse of the Confederate flag. People who don't want to obey laws or are anti-government use it as a symbol of rebellion. Or people who consider themselves tough or reckless. It is mostly used by people who give it a bad name and use it for the wrong type of symbolism. You see it pictured with cross bones and skulls, on t-shirts promoting wrong behavior or pornography. THIS IS NOT THE USE THE CONFEDERATE FLAG WAS INTENDED FOR!

The Confederate Flag was invented for the Confederacy. The men who carried and fought carrying it were honorable men. General Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson were decent, Christian men who fought under the Confederate flag as a banner of freedom. It symbolized hundreds of thousands of men who died for what they considered their rights. It was not a symbol of being a "redneck", but of honor and integrity. Now it's integrity has been scarred. Instead of a banner of freedom it's now seen as something to be used for perverse and wrong things. It's a shame that it has been so desecrated!

In modern days, the Confederate flag should show our respect for Southern Heritage and bravery. It should not be a symbol of hate or lawlessness.

Imagine the women who's husbands, sons, fathers, cousins, etc. were away at war. They sat sewing every star and bar with tears falling on the material. Love going into every stitch. Do you think they sewed that flag for it to be desecrated?
 Imagine the flag bearer on the battle field who carried the flag until he fell to the ground in death. Another brave soldier grabs the flag before it can touch the ground. They didn't carry that flag to show their hatred, rebellion or anything of the kind, but to show their independence and want of liberty. If you believe my belief on this matter is too extreme and people really don't get the wrong idea from the attitude in which you wear or display your flag, just good "The Confederate Flag". You research will show you devastating results.

Think on this before you buy a bumper sticker, t-shirt or any other item that would again give this flag a bad name or in anyway make someone think of it wrongly.

Pictured above is: A flag made by Flora Stuart for her husband J.E.B. Stuart. He carried it into battle with him.